For a better experience while using our Service, we may require you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information, including but not limited to your name and email. At this time the extension does not ask for name or email address.
Extension Security
Active Tab Justification
The extension requires the ability to read the URL in the address bars. This URL is what will be processed to for further actions.
Tabs Justification
The extension requires the ability to read the URL in the address bars to know that if a URL is valid or not valid. Valid tabs are used for further processing.
Scripting Justification
Using foreground and background scripts to move variables around between screens and other scripts for further processing. Page variables such as titles, descriptions, icons and images may be moved between scripts.
Storage Justification
Storage is required for many purposes. This includes a setup where you tell the extension which server you want to use. Also variables such as page titles, descriptions, icons, and image information is stored for further processing.
Host Permission Justification
The extension nees the ability to read the contents of the page in the active tab. The contents of the host page is then read for titles, descriptions, icons, and images.
Other Comments
The extension at this time does not directly use remote code. It does however pass information to a remote server for adding to your "My Favorites". The only time information is passed is when the "Add to My Favorites" button is clicked.
For example, in the future the extension may reach out to the servers to obtain URLs you have added to "My Favorites". This is something to on the to-do list.